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spinzer69Copiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 4

What is the difference between normal and inclave sign in?

Mega Medusa Casino is also inclave casino. What's the difference between normal and inclave casino?

I try to sign in but every time I am unable to sign in. How can I resolve my issue?

1 answers
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ClaudiuRCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteaccount-checkCommunity Specialist

Hello spinzer69,

Thank you for your question regarding the Inclave casinos.

To help you understand the difference I will simply provide you with some key differences between the two logins:

  1. All Passwords in One Place: With normal logins, you need to remember different passwords for each account. Inclave stores all your passwords in one secure place, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting them.
  2. Extra Security with Biometrics: Inclave uses face and fingerprint recognition to log you in quickly and safely. This is much safer than just using a username and password.
  3. Alerts for Suspicious Activity: If someone tries to access your account, Inclave will send you an alert right away. Normal logins usually don’t do this.
  4. Strong Protection for Your Data: Inclave uses advanced technology to keep your passwords and personal information safe, so only you can access them.

In short, the Inclave makes your login to your account faster and safer than any regular login.

Also if you have any problem with an Inclave casino you can just contact the casino customer service to help you out.

Hope this answer helped you out.



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