Some bets in craps are best avoided. Take the Big 6 Big 8 craps bets, which are there only to give the casino a larger house advantage over those that are fool-hearty enough to place them.
In this guide, dice influencer Bill Collins will present how the Big 6 and Big 8 craps bets work and why it’s a better idea to make better use of your wagers at the table.
Here is what you’ll learn:
Keep reading to discover more!
At the corner of some online casinos' craps table layouts, at both ends, you will encounter a pretty large area with an oversized “6” and an oversized “8” in boxes right next to each other.
That's the Big 6 and Big 8 bets and that area is where a bettor can place their chips to bet on either, or both, of the Big 6 and Big 8 that are self-service bets.
Neither of them is a contract bet that must remain wagered until that bet is resolved.
The player has total control over Big 6 and/or Big 8 bets and can remove, increase the bet amounts, or decrease the bet amounts at any time.
I think some players bet the craps Big 6 and Big 8 bets just because those betting spaces on the table are closer to them and don't require going through the dealer to make their bets.
Neither bet is a one-roll bet, and both Big 6 and Big 8 bets function the same as place betting the 6 and/or 8.
Each Big 6 or Big 8 bet wins every time that number rolls with a player bet on it. If made together, you will lose both bets when the 7 rolls.
So, the bettor is hoping for lots of 6's and 8's to roll before the losing 7 shows up to claim their bets.
Both the Big 6 and Big 8 bets pay 1-to-1, or even money, each time they are won (i.e.: when you roll the number you bet on).
For example
Suppose you bet $5 on the Big 6 bet. If you roll a 6 before getting a 7 (which automatically loses you the bet), you will win an additional $5. Now you have a total of $10.
There are 5 ways to win by rolling either the 6 or the 8 with bets on both vs. 6 ways to roll a losing 7. That means on any given roll with Big 6 and Big 8 bets made, you have 10 ways to win vs. 6 ways to lose.
That sounds pretty good, having more ways to win than ways to lose.
The rub is that when you win, you only win a single bet; but, when you lose, you lose both bets at the same time to the 7 rolling.
Since the payout on craps Big 6 and Big 8 bets is just 1-to-1, or even money, the house gains an extra advantage over the bettor who makes the Big 6 or Big 8 bets.
By just paying 1-to-1 on Big 6 and Big 8 winning bets, the casino gains a 9.09% house advantage.
Compare that 9.09% house advantage on Big 6 and Big 8 bets with the 1.57% house advantage when you give your chips to the dealer, telling him to place bet the 6 and/or 8 in the amount given.
The house gains an unneeded and unnecessary extra 7.52% advantage over the player who uses the Big and 6 Big 8 bets instead of place betting the 6 and/or 8 through the dealer.
After reading this guide, you are probably thinking that the Big 6 and Big 8 bets are simply not worth it, considering that you are giving up a huge advantage to the house.
Well, you’re not entirely wrong!
My advice as a pro craps player
You'll get a lot more bang for your buck and you get a significantly better house edge by making place bets on 6 and/or 8.
Here’s why:
So, instead of an even payout (1:1), you could make the place bets on 6 or 8 and get a 6:5 payout.
It’s important to consider this if you want to maximize your profit, especially since the bets have quite similar win conditions if you think about it.
You can test both bets for free in our craps games collection.
I see the craps Big 6 and Big 8 bets as another way for the casino to try to take advantage of the uneducated player.
Another important point to consider:
Place betting 6 and 8 gets your chips out of the desired landing zone that a lot of good shooters like to use to land their control-tossed dice in.
I mean, hey. You are probably betting on the shooter tossing winning numbers for your bets.
So, why place a stack of chips exactly where they might like to be able to land their dice without hitting anything that could produce that bad number 7 and cost you your bets?
Fun fact
A lot of knowledgeable players won't even make a pass line bet when a good shooter is tossing from the other end of the table. It’s for the same reason - to give him a clear landing zone for his dice.
I always try to wise up players when I see them making the Big 6 and Big 8 bets. Some of them just continue to do it anyway since they don’t quite understand that there are better alternatives.
Go figure! These bets are making the casino's job of beating those players even easier. Check out the Craps Academy to discover better bets and strategies you can make.
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