Why is the number 11 called yo in craps?
I've always wondered about this. Why is 11 referred to as "yo" in the game of craps?

Hi @spectereel10, 🙂
In the game of craps, the number 11 is often referred to as "yo." This slang term is used by casino dealers to distinguish between the number 11 and the number 7 when called out during the game.
The reason for using the term "yo" for 11 is related to the fact that "eleven" and "seven" can sound quite similar when called out quickly, especially in a noisy casino environment. To avoid any confusion, dealers often use distinctive slang terms for certain numbers. In this case, "yo" is used for 11, while "seven" is used for 7. This helps ensure that players and dealers can clearly understand which number has been rolled, as 7 and 11 are important numbers in the game with different implications for players' bets.
Hope this helps! 🤗
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