Blackjack Surrender Strategy: The Game’s Best-Kept Secret

Peter Nairn
Written byPeter Nairn

Peter Nairn

Casino Operations Specialist
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  • Over 3 decades of experience in casino operations management, with a focus on Table Games and Slots;
  • Senior executive positions in both Native American and traditional casino markets for companies like Harrah’s New Orleans and Minnesota-based Grand Casinos;
  • Hands-on experience as trainer and dealer of multiple casino games including: Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, and more;
  • Profound knowledge of Title 31 regulations, State compacts, and Federal MICS.
Vlad Mihalache
Editorial review byVlad Mihalache

Vlad Mihalache

Online Gambling and Slots Specialist
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  • Accomplished content strategist and editor with over 6 years of experience in the iGaming industry;
  • Specializes in blackjack strategies, slots, and gambling addiction;
  • Online gambling expert with 2500+ articles written and reviewed;
  • Strong advocate for responsible gambling with comprehensive knowledge of gambling trends and addiction.
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icon-calendarUpdated on Sep 4, 2023

Blackjack Surrender - Perhaps the most under-utilized opportunity in Blackjack. Dive into the advanced strategies and learn more!

In today’s article, we’re going to explore that opportunity and discover from blackjack expert Peter Nairn himself when to surrender in Blackjack and why it can be a good thing for you to do.

Here’s what you’ll uncover:

Let’s get started. 

What is Surrender in Blackjack?

surrender in blackjack

It’s a strategy that allows the player to give up half of their bet by folding their hand.  It’s used when the player has a weak hand, and the dealer has a strong hand.

There are two options for surrendering your hand: 

  • Late Surrender 
  • Early Surrender

Both options occur after all the players and the dealer have been dealt their initial two cards, and before any further cards have been dealt.

This article is for the Basic Strategy player although it works for the seat-of-the-pants player too.  

I’m going to go through the various options and give you a detailed blackjack surrender strategy that you can use going forward.

Pro tip

If you’re not familiar with Basic Strategy, then please read my dedicated guide for some incisive information about what it is, and why it’s a good thing for all serious blackjack players to know.

Later in the article we’re going to discuss how to make deviations to your surrender strategy based on the count, for the card counters out there.  

Want to know more about counting cards?  

I have created a detailed guide on how to count cards.  This article will take you from the basic concepts to a seriously in-depth description of how to do it, how to avoid detection and what the casinos look for to try and stop you from being a successful card counter.  

How to Surrender in Blackjack 

Well, it’s a bit like being on Tinder (ahem … well, so I’m told)!  Don’t like your hand and want to get rid of it? 

Swipe Left!

how to surrender in blackjack

Make a right to left straight line about 6 inches (15 cms) behind your bet with your fingers while simultaneously saying ‘Surrender’ loud enough for the dealer to hear you.  

Make sure your signal isn’t going to be confused with a ‘Hit’ or ‘Stand’ signal.

The dealer will return half of your bet to you, take the other half and then place your cards in the discard rack.

Done - surrendered!

Early Surrender vs. Late Surrender: What is The Difference?

early surrender vs late surrender

Early Surrender was instituted in Atlantic City in the late 1970s/early 1980s, and it quickly became apparent that it was not such a good idea from the casino’s point of view.  

It is perhaps the perfect example of what happens when people with good intentions, but little gaming knowledge, are allowed to make the rules for casinos to follow.

Here’s the problem:  

In a game that typically has a House Advantage of about 0.75% (yes, that’s ¾ of one percent), Early Surrender gave up to 0.60% back to the players.  

Consequently, it didn’t last very long, and has essentially disappeared from the game completely. 

Let’s just put it this way - in 35 years and as a consultant in more than 15 casino openings in 8 jurisdictions and three countries, I’ve never seen Early Surrender offered on any blackjack game.

If you ever see it and are tempted to play, take a close look at the other rules in place.  

It’s almost certain that where the casino is giving you that big chunk, they are taking it back by adjusting the rules somewhere else.

Late Surrender, on the other hand, is still offered in many jurisdictions in the USA and abroad.  It offers a viable strategy for the player and can be part of an overall way to play that helps reduce the house advantage against you. 

Key Takeaway

The difference between the two is simply that Early Surrender is offered before the dealer checks their hole card for blackjack, and Late Surrender is offered after the dealer checks for blackjack.

Because you’re much more likely to find a game that offers Late Surrender, let’s look at how to play that version of Surrender first.

I’ve included the strategies for double deck and 6-deck shoe which pay 3 to 2 for a blackjack. 

Side note

I’ve not included the strategy for surrendering on a single deck game here because it’s almost impossible to find a single deck game that pays 3 to 2.  

The casinos have all moved to 6 to 5 for a blackjack on a single deck game, and you’re simply not going to play a game that offers that.  

The reason is that a 6 to 5 blackjack payout increases the House Advantage by a whopping 1.39% - which is too much to overcome. 

So you’re not going to play a 6 to 5 game, are you?  No, of course you’re not.

Good decision!

How to Play Using Surrender in Blackjack

Let’s explore some scenarios where using surrender may actually make sense:

Late Surrender

The hands to surrender in Late Surrender blackjack are: 

6-deck shoe, dealer hits a Soft 17
Player hand Dealer up card Action
Hard 17 Ace Surrender if allowed, otherwise Stand
Hard 16 9, 10, Ace  Surrender if allowed, otherwise Hit
Hard 15 10, Ace Surrender if allowed, otherwise Hit
8,8 Ace Surrender if allowed, otherwise Split
Double deck, dealer hits a Soft 17
Player hand Dealer up card Action
Hard 17 Ace Surrender if allowed, otherwise Stand
Hard 16 10, Ace  Surrender if allowed, otherwise Hit
Hard 15 10, Ace Surrender if allowed, otherwise Hit
8,8 Ace Surrender if allowed, otherwise Split

As you can see, the only difference between the 6-deck shoe and the double deck is that when playing the shoe, if you have a hard 16 vs. a 9 you should surrender, but on the double deck, you should not.

Early Surrender

If you happen to find a game with early surrender (and some online games do offer it), here is how you play it 

I’ve included some single deck information here, because if they’re offering Early Surrender and you’re comfortable with the other rules, you may want to give it a go.

Player Hand Dealer up card Action
Hard 5 - 7, 12 - 17 Ace Surrender
Pair 3s, 6s, 7s, 8s  Ace Surrender
Hard 14 - 16, Pair 7s or 8s 10 Surrender
Pair 2s Ace Surrender if dealer hits a Soft 17
10 + 4 10 Don't Surrender on double deck

Single deck variances:

Player Hand Dealer up card Action
4 + 10, or 5 + 9 10 Do Not Surrender
8 + 8 10 Surrender
Hard 14 - 16, Pair 7s or 8s 10 Do Not Surrender if double after split is OK

There are some variables that may be taken into consideration in Early Surrender and Late Surrender.

Whether the dealer stands or hits a Soft 17, the number of decks in play, and the composition of the player’s hand are all potential factors in the ‘Surrender’ decision. 

Here’s a chart that shows when you should surrender.  This is for those who play Basic Strategy.

Total Dependent vs Composition Dependent 

Now we’re getting into the really deep waters of playing blackjack.  Total Dependent means it’s the total of your first two cards.  

For example

If you have a 9 and a 7, your total is 16.

Composition Dependent means the cards that make up your 16.  

Is it 9 + 7?  Or 10 + 6? Or Ace + 5?  Or 8 + 8? 

There are different ways to play them, based upon the composition of your hand.  It only matters when playing a single deck, and even then, it is a miniscule difference.  

The difference in the above example can be as small as 0.036% - which translates into one additional bet every 2,800 hands.  

And for more decks, the amount drops like a stone.

So it’s really more trouble than it’s worth.

When to Incorporate Surrender if You’re Card Counting

Don Schlesinger, a highly respected gaming mathematician and member of the Blackjack Hall of Fame, published a book called ‘Blackjack Attack: Playing the Pro’s Way’ that listed how to change the Surrender decision based on the count.  

They are called ‘The Fab Four’.

They’re called ‘count adjusted deviations’, and here they are:

Your hand Dealer's Up Card True Count Surrender Action to Take
14 10 +3 Surrender at +3 or more, hit at +2 or less
15 10 0 or more Surrender at 0 or more, hit at -1 or less
15 9 +2 Surrender at +2 or more, hit at +1 or less
15 A +2 Surrender at +2 or more, hit at + 1 or less

Blackjack Surrender Online: Is It Possible?

When playing online, Surrender may be offered as part of the software suite that allows you to play blackjack online.  

Simply select the ‘Surrender’ button and the program will take 50% of your bet, return the other 50% to your balance and remove your cards from play.  

It is possible to find an online game that includes Early Surrender.  Be aware that to offer that, the online casino will probably be taking back some of their House Advantage by changing the other rules.  

Expert Advice: The Strategy Behind Surrendering

expert advice in blackjack surrender

Many players like to think that Surrender is an admission of failure, or perhaps ‘I’m not trying hard enough’. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The casino has a suite of rules in place to arrive at their House Advantage that suits their marketing positioning plan and competitive edge.  

By not surrendering when you should, you’re knowingly increasing the House Advantage against you, and giving up a piece of the pie that the casino has already given to you.

There are some hands that you have little opportunity to win, and it makes sense to surrender those hands and accept a 50% loss, rather than try to win a hand where you have (for example) a 20% chance to win.  

Pro Tip

Surrender should be one of your strategic plays when playing Blackjack. 

Fun Fact

Better to accept a 50% loss than to continue to play and lose 80% or more.

Key Takeaway - Is Surrendering Worth it?

Surrender is an underappreciated opportunity for the players to reduce the House Advantage against them.  Often the player doesn’t even know that Surrender exists, or what hands should be surrendered.

When I was working the casino floor in Las Vegas, I rarely saw anyone surrender - perhaps once or twice, and that was in more than seven years. 

Look at the hands that I recommend should be surrendered in this article and start doing so when you’re playing blackjack.  

They will help you and improve your odds of winning when playing blackjack.

We have many articles about how to improve your overall blackjack play in the Academy, from learning Basic Strategy to How to Count Cards.

There are also some in-depth articles that focus on one specific part of the game, including Doubling Down, Splitting Pairs, and Insurance

Final Thoughts

There you have the details about how to play Surrender in blackjack.

It can be a good thing to do in the right circumstances and should be one of the tools at your disposal when you’re playing blackjack.

And good luck. 

Blackjack Surrender Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you get back on a surrender on blackjack?
When you surrender, the dealer will return 50% of your initial bet to you.
Should you surrender 16 against a 10?
Yes. Whether you’re playing a 6-deck shoe, a double deck, or a single deck, (and it doesn’t matter if the dealer hits or stands on a Soft 17), always surrender a Hard 16 against a dealer’s up card of 10.
Should you fold in blackjack?
The answer is yes, there are certain hands you should surrender, and you make the decision after taking into consideration your hand, the dealer’s up card and how many decks are in play. If your opportunity to win a hand goes below 50%, then you should surrender.
Is surrender allowed in Las Vegas blackjack?
The short answer is yes. There are some casinos that allow Surrender as part     of their rules, but they may not allow it on all their games. But not all Las Vegas casinos allow Surrender. Check with the Floorperson or Dealer to be sure before you start playing.
What is the hand signal for surrender in blackjack?
Make a right to left horizontal line about 6 inches (15 cms) behind your bet with your fingers while simultaneously saying ‘Surrender’ loud enough for the dealer to hear you. Always make sure your signal isn’t going to be confused with a ‘Hit’ or ‘Stand’ signal.
Can you surrender in online blackjack?
Yes, many online blackjack games allow Surrender. Be sure to check the rules because each online casino may offer different rules as to what you can do.
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Peter Nairn

Peter Nairn

Casino Operations Specialist

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About Peter Nairn

  • Over 3 decades of experience in casino operations management, with a focus on Table Games and Slots;
  • Senior executive positions in both Native American and traditional casino markets for companies like Harrah’s New Orleans and Minnesota-based Grand Casinos;
  • Hands-on experience as trainer and dealer of multiple casino games including: Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, and more;
  • Profound knowledge of Title 31 regulations, State compacts, and Federal MICS.
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Vlad Mihalache

Vlad Mihalache

Online Gambling and Slots Specialist

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About Vlad Mihalache

  • Accomplished content strategist and editor with over 6 years of experience in the iGaming industry;
  • Specializes in blackjack strategies, slots, and gambling addiction;
  • Online gambling expert with 2500+ articles written and reviewed;
  • Strong advocate for responsible gambling with comprehensive knowledge of gambling trends and addiction.
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Blackjack Q&As

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duniadaisy Copied thread icon-check-white Level 5
Can I find blackajck at Brango?

Is there live blackjack at Brango Casino that you guys recommend?

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SunshineUnderground Copied thread icon-check-white Level 20 Canada
Will Chipy be bringing back Blackjack in the Play for Coins section of the website?

A while back there was a Blackjack option that could be played with your Chipy Coins. It was by Mascot Gaming. Any Blackjack option would be better than nothing, although I do see that the focus is more on Slots in the Play for Coins section.

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BJT Copied thread icon-check-white Level 4
Does Blackjack teams have an edge in tournaments?

I played and witnessed  Blackjack teams , I know they exist  to help each other   eliminate other players like me. For Example , I had an opportunity  in semi- finals to make final table, but I new I had to hit on hard 15  to make final table to give me a chance. The player to my right  did not have enough chips to make final table no matter what she did, she was looking at my chips and decided to hit on 19,  the card  came out was a 5 , would have given me a 20 and a chance to move on,  I got a king instead , busted out, I got  little emotional  and yelled at her for helping her team members on the end make it to final table.  She just stood there quietly like nothing happened, so obvious .Maybe it's just me,I have great instincts on  other players teaming up sometimes,  I was right that time.

Richard C

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