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SnapThisCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 6

How to play Ohio keno?

I'm in Ohio and want to try keno. How is it played here?

1 answers
AlexHCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteaccount-checkSenior Content Writer

Hi SnapThis!

It’s quite simple. You can play Keno Ohio at any retail outlet in the state and watch the drawings at a designated monitor location or on your phone.

According to the official Ohio Lottery site, tickets can be purchased 7 days a week, and drawings occur every 4 minutes, beginning at 6:04 AM and ending at 2:29 AM.

To play Keno Ohio, follow these steps:

  1. Choose 1 to 10 numbers out of a total of 80 numbers.
  2. Decide on the amount you wish to bet for each game. The minimum bet for Ohio Lottery Keno stands at $1 per game, but you can also wager $2, $3, $4, $5, $10 and $20.
  3. Before commencing play, specify the number of games you intend to participate in. There is also the Booster option for another $1 that can help you increase your Keno winnings.
  4. Submit your ticket to an authorized Ohio Lottery retailer, or utilize a self-service machine to scan it yourself. Normally, you can play up to 50 consecutive drawings on one bet card.
  5. Keep in mind that Ohio Lottery Keno draws occur every 4 minutes, ensuring minimal wait time to ascertain whether you're a winner.
  6. You win by matching your number to the 20 numbers selected by the Ohio Lottery. In the event that you secure a prize (fingers crossed!), you can claim it either at an Ohio Lottery retailer or through mail.

Remember that in Ohio Keno, prize amounts vary, beginning at $1 and reaching up to $100,000, depending on the quantity of matches and your bet size.

For added convenience, you can download Oh! Lottery and enjoy some of the features on your mobile device.

As an example, the official app of the Ohio Lottery lets you track the game's progress or cash out the winnings from the comfort of your home or any other location you prefer.

The app also provides current and past winning numbers for all draw games, including jackpot amounts and ticket scanning.

Hope that answers your question!


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